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Day 11 & 12 - Family BBQ and the trip to Czechia

Hey dudes and "dudettes",  it's Aliona with you again.

Day 11:
Sunday at my mums place was quite chill. We did our laundry, thanks mum! And then we fired up the barby and grilled some steaks which was pretty dope, and quite a standard summer Sunday past time. So that's the reason we decided to post two days in one post.

Day 12:
If you ever find yourself drinking Czech wine, please proceed with caution. I mean it. Because, last night somehow we got carried away on the sweetness of that treacherous wine and the now we are suffering a really terrible hangover. Well I was actually fine till I drunk my coffee have I started to feel really bad. And I had to go back to recovery position till about midday. Then we packed, picked some of the home grown tomatoes from my mums little garden and were on the way to Palava National Park in Czechia. It's about 2 hours drive from Moravske Lieskove, which was an okay drive.

But hey, it's us, nothing ever go smoothly right? Before we headed to Palava, we stopped the the hardware store to buy another gas bottle for our cooker. Thankfully this time the regulator actually fit, hurray! But, as soon as Guillaume installed the bottle he noticed that the gas was leaking from it. So, we returned the faulty gas bottle to the store, but unfortunately they hadn't another full one for replacement so, the next stop is a petrol station. Thankfully the exchange there went smoothly and the new bottle is not leaking.
At the Palava National Park we decided to park somewhere by the Věstonice Reservoir, which is situated at the foot of the mountain. Honestly I do not remember the name of it and since it was quite small mountain, let's call it The Mountanito (a little spoil alert: we're going to hike it up). We managed to score really cool camping spot as well. It wasn't exactly where we intended it to be but it was still pretty awesome, and quite secluded, and absolutely free. 

Jihaume, jihauming away.

Ironically enough, it's located in the region where they make their dangerous wine so there are wine cellars everywhere.

We did not visit the wine cellars.
